Arduino Time and Temp Station


The  Arduino Clock and temperature station is a handy addition to the Ham Shack.  I keep it set to GMT time for easy reading during QSOs. Since I was updating the shack I thought it was time to Build a new Arduino Station Clock. All the parts are easily found on the web, I picked up mine on Ebay.

The DS-1307 is a real-time clock module (RTC) available from Ebay for a few bucks. The last Real Time Clock I built keep time for about 8 years using the coin backup battery. During power outages the battery keeps the RTC running. After the old clock’s backup battery died I put a new battery in and off it went again. The DHT2203 is a temperature and humidity sensor reads temperature as Celsius (Ebay part, costs about a $1).  The conversion to Fahrenheit is   F = ( C * 9/5 )+ 32. The last part of the project is a Nokia 5110 display which  is a 3.3v device. The 5110 is easily power by the UNO / NANO board. I used the Arduino UNO to develop the project but built the final version using the Arduino NANO. In order to keep logic levels at 3.3 v , I added a  level converter IC, CD4050. There are also Bidirectional converters available on Ebay but  I had a 4050 in the junk box, so I went with that, either one would work fine for this project.

The sketch is  ArduinoWxStation

The Sketch needs libraries for the Nokia 5110, DS-1307  both were Adafruit libraries and DHT 2203 was a github library (

For ease during debugging  I choose to send both the clock & temp readings to the Nokia 5110 display and the Arduino serial monitor.  My old Clock used switches to set the time/date. But since Arduino has the Serial Monitor built into the IDE I used it and the Adafruit’s set-program to set the clock. Thus eliminating the need for additional controls. Besides once the time is set there is no need to reset it. The RTC will run until the battery dies, my last RTC ran for 8 years. The Real Time Clock uses the 24 hours for time keeping which I find perfect for GMT time keeping.

I found an enclosure on Thingiverse’s website. The enclosure is made for an Arduino NANO board and makes a nicely finished  project. The 3D printing file for the enclosure is available on Thingiverse :




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