Arduino Repeater Controller


This is a Updated repeater controller which uses the Arduino UNO. It’s a basic controller with an CW Ider. The ID message can be changed in the sketch by using the letter codes listed at the end of the sketch.

To easy the message coding I have written a small Windows command line program. The program asks the user to type a message.  Then uses the text to code the message using the hex codes listed. The output is sent to a file (msg_file.txt) in the same direcory as the program. Open the text file and copy and paste into the sketch’s message line. You can find the program posted on my website.

I have updated the Arduino Repeater Controller version 2. You can find the updated program posted on my website. New

The controller has three timers(using millisecond count, 60,000/minuter). The timers should be fairly accurate since they use the system clock as a reference. But check and adjust for proper length.

Ider timer, sets length of timer for IDer , common length is 10 minutes for ID.

Timer-out timer, sets length of transmitter on-time after which it shuts the transmitter off until Carrier Operated Squelch (COS) is released, usually the time set for about 3-5 minutes.

Squelch-tail timer, sets length for squelch tail which holds transmitter on for a few seconds after COS release.

The sketch’s timers are all adjustable.

Auduino Repeater Controller Sketch versoin 1: Repeater Controller Sketch 

and a newer version 2:  Arduino-Repeater-Controller version 2

The Arduino controller uses a audio switch to control the receiver audio to the transmitter. The switch can be as simple as a transistor to drive a relay and  switch the audio.

The receiver is usually around line level and the transmitter is usually around mic level. So an audio pad maybe needed to drop the level. VCC is 5v which means the audio should be less then that, maybe try 2-3 volts p-p.

The circuit below was something that developed over a couple of Repeaters and Links I had running. It has a couple of trimmer pots to control audio levels.  Check your radio’s specs.   The Auduino has a PTT output pin (a ground actives the transmitter’s PTT circuit). A second pin controls COS switch which is used to mute the receiver audio to transmitter, (uses 5V logic level to trigger an on-state). The CAS input to the Arduino D2 pin, depending on input from radio a Debounce circuit might need to be added.

A simple Carrier Operated Squelch (COS) switch:
